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About Guam
Located in the heart of the Western Pacific, Guam is an island territory of the United States, the largest of the Mariana and Micronesian islands, and home to some of the warmest people in the world. Known for its white sand beaches and crystal clear ocean waters, Guam is a perfect destination for families, honeymooners, divers, and anyone looking to relax and get away from crowded city life. And with non-stop flights to Guam from cities in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippines, and Hawaii – most between 4 and 5 hours – getting away is quick, easy, and convenient.
History and Culture
But Guam is much more than sun, sea, and sand. The island is awash with a history that dates back to the Latte Period of 2000BC, the period of Ancient Chamorro life before a Spanish expedition led by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrived on March 6, 1521. With 131 sites around the island listed on the National Register of Historic Places, these historical landmarks weave a fascinating tale of the island’s struggles, resilience, and victories over thousands of years. Though the island’s colorful history spans the Spanish era, the American period, and Japanese WWII occupation, today Guam is most widely celebrated for its native Chamorro culture and pride.
The clear warm waters that surround Guam offer world-class diving, snorkeling, and endless marine activities. From north to south, the island’s mysterious caves, cascading waterfalls, and pristine shorelines offer many opportunities to connect with the great outdoors. With loads of other activities like waterparks, tunnel aquariums, dinner and magic shows, festivals, and fiestas, there is no shortage of ways for families and groups to create memories that will be talked about for years. Of course, when it’s time to do absolutely nothing, visitors can unwind in a luxurious spa or snooze peacefully on the beach.
Guam is especially proud of its savory cuisine that combines Asian, Spanish and Pacific Island influences into a unique island fusion. Chamorro barbecue, red rice and chicken kelaguen are world famous and are just a few of the tasty local dishes every visitor must try. In addition to the local flavors, Guam also has hundreds of restaurants of nearly every cuisine that is sure to please even the most particular palate.
Many of the world’s most luxurious and exclusive designers have boutiques located in Guam, and countless renowned brands and quality handcrafted items can be found in shopping malls, quaint shops, and night markets. What makes this wide selection of shopping even better is all retail purchases in Guam are tax-free.
We welcome you to explore our island. You’ll discover Guam’s beauty extends beyond our gorgeous beaches and lush landscapes. It’s in our vibrant culture, our rich history, and the warm hospitality of our people.