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- こどもとグアム
- ①カラダに優しい家族旅行
- ②海外ビーチリゾート
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- ④こども連れに嬉しいサービス
- ⑤やさしいおもてなしの島
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- グアムで団体旅行のおすすめポイント
- グアムの団体旅行なら、こんなことが実現できる!
- グアムの団体旅行取り扱い会社はこちら
- 団体旅行向けホテル情報
- 団体旅行向けモデルプラン
- 現地イベントスケジュール
- グアム ランニング&イベント情報
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- グアム羽田新規就航
- マリンツアーオペレーター認証プログラム開始
Guam Safety Tips
Guam has always been known as a safe destination for families and friends traveling as a group. Little crime takes place on the island, and our welcoming, friendly culture includes a desire for our visitors to stay safe and healthy. We ask you to please consider the following tips to help ensure your time on the jewel of Micronesia is every bit as enjoyable as it should be.
Common Sense Precautions
Some of the most important safety measures are no different from those you already use at home:
- Do not leave your children unattended, including in your hotel room or car. It is against Guam law.
- Wear clothes that allow you to move freely and comfortably.
- Wear plenty of sunscreen and minimize your exposure to the sun between 10 AM and 3 PM.
- Ask for directions at your hotel on how to get to any attractions you want to visit.
- Stick to well-lighted public areas.
- Only carry cash when you need it.
- Don't leave maps or obvious travel materials in plain view in your car.
- If you get lost, find an open business and ask for directions.
- Be alert in parking lots and walking to and from your car.
- Never drink and drive. Many of Guam's bars and clubs offer complementary nonalcoholic beverages to designated drivers.
- When traveling on foot, walk, don't run, and always use crosswalks and obey traffic signals.
- When in doubt, always look to your hotel or call the Guam Visitors Bureau at 646-5278/9.
- In the event of an emergency, remain calm. Dial 911.
In the unfortunate event that any of your personal belongings is stolen, consider visiting pawn shops and flea markets; you may be able to locate missing items there. Pawn shops may be able to trace a stolen item to the seller.
To reach the Guam Police Department
Dial (671) 472-8911