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- マリンツアーオペレーター認証プログラム開始
APPLICATION PERIOD: November 1, 2018 - October 31, 2019
TARGET DEPARTURE PERIOD: January 1 - December 31, 2019
GVB is happy to announce that we will start a Charter Flight Incentive Program from the coming January 1 to December 31, 2019. The plan is aimed to increase the number of charters flights from Japan to Guam by providing support to travel agents and airlines.
1) GVB will support travel agents who have experience and ability to arrange international charter flights approved by MLIT in Japan.
2) GVB will support airline companies regularly operating Guam.
3) GVB will support airline companies irregularly operating Guam.
1) Support available for charter or extra flights from Japanese domestic airport to Guam for departing January 1 to December 31, 2019.
2) Applicant must be qualified travel agents and/or airline companies only when operating charter or extra flights from Japan to Guam.
3) Application period: November 01, 2018 to October 31, 2019.
4) Target Departure Period:
a. January 01, 2019 to December 31, 2019.
b. Except the following periods:
i. April 26 - May 4, 2019
ii. December 27, 2019 - January 5, 2020
5) Aircraft must have more 110 seats regardless of aircraft type.
6) Must be direct flights from Japan to Guam. Excludes indirect flights.
7) Support program will terminate without notice when budget limit has been reached.
1) Provide travel agents or/and airlines with ¥2,000 per seat for departure base from Japan.
2) When supporting both travel agents and airline companies, maximum support amount remains unchanged and each amount will be decided among the concerned parties (travel agents, airlines and GVB).
3) When there is more than one charterer for a round trip charter, support amount can be divided at the ratio of the number of seats purchased between companies.
4) When charterers sell their seats to other wholesalers to expand their sales channel, they are responsible to inform GVB wholesale distribution.
1) Submit a completed application form to the following email address: hiroshi.kaneko@gvb.or.jp
Applications must be submitted 6 weeks prior to actual departure excluding Saturdays, Sundays and National holidays.
2) Submit a copy of charter contract document with airlines.
1) Application Submission: Applicant must submit completed application as instructed above.
2) Application Acceptance: GVB will review and issue and application registration number. Applicant will be informed no later than within 7 days of submission excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and National holidays.
3) Final Review: GVB will notify applicant of approval or non-approval. If approved, an authorization number will be issued within 14 days of decision excluding Saturdays, Sundays and National holidays.
4) Supporting Evidence: The following documents are needed to submit to GVB within 30 days after operating charter or extra flights.
a. Payment certificate for charter or extra flight operation.
b. Passenger Result Form.
5) Payment: Payment will be made within 30 days after submission of above two documents.
1) Information collected for all the charter or extra flight operation is kept confidential and is never disclosed to the outsider.
2) Documents submitted and information collected are treated as confidential among the persons concerned.