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Sun Safety
The following tips are provided as a courtesy of the Department of Public Health and Social Services and Parlay International publications, to ensure that our visitors and residents enjoy a safe stay on our island.
Fun in the Sun
Over exposure to the sun's rays can be extremely harmful, leading to premature aging of the skin, immune-cell disruption, cataracts and other eye and skin problems. Avoid the sun between 10am and 3pm, when the sun's ultraviolet ray's are strongest. Use a sunscreen on all areas of exposed skin, with a skin protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. Reapply it regularly, especially after swimming or sweating heavily. Wear sunglasses that screen out ultraviolet rays. Wear protective clothing and a hat on sunny or cloudy but bright days.
Out and about:
Before you leave your hotel:
Try not to carry much cash in public and don't let strangers see what you are carrying. Carry only necessary valuables in different pockets of your clothing. Always carry change for an emergency phone call. Women should opt for a handbag with a shoulder strap and carry it on the side that is away from the street.
Always be aware of your surroundings and who may be around you. Whenever possible, walk with someone and avoid walking in the dark. Stay on busy, well-lit streets. Walk quickly and with confidence. Use only designated crosswalks when crossing a street. Walk against the traffic, so a driver can't sneak up behind you. When dropped off by a car or taxi, ask the driver to wait until you are inside. Never hitchhike. If you drive, never pick up hitchhikers. When using an ATM, especially in an isolated area, look around first for suspicious looking people. Have your bank card out in advance and put any cash away immediately, you can verify it later. If you jog outside, stick to daylight hours and always jog with someone.If you think you are being followed, cross the street or go into a busy place.
If your suspect still appears to be stalking you, call the police by dialing 911. If you are approached by a suspicious-looking person and can't escape, start yelling "fire" as loud as you can. If the person is armed, always hand over any cash and valuables without resistance. Try to remember what the person looks like in detail so that you can describe him/her to the police. Report anything suspicious to the police immediately, whether or not you are in danger yourself. Even an anonymous tip is better than no report at all.