グアム政府観光局 本局(以下GVB)では、日本におけるツーリズム・デスティネーション・マーケティングの担当を希望する企業様に対し、見積・提案依頼(RFP)を発表致しました。

尚、この件に関する全てのご質問は弊局局長兼CEO、ジョン・ネイサン・デナイト(President & CEO, Jon Nathan Denight)宛にお送りください。
E-Mail: procurement@visitguam.org
FAX: 671-646-8861


GVB RFP #2018-008

The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB), a public, non-stock, non-profit membership corporation, issues this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) soliciting proposals from established marketing companies to act as GVB’s TOURISM DESTINATION MARKETING REPRESENTATION SERVICES IN JAPAN to assist GVB in promoting Guam tourism and achieving visitor arrival goals, and to act as GVB’s liaison office in Japan in matters pertaining to Guam.

RFP packages can also be downloaded at no cost from GVB’s website at www.guamvisitorsbureau.com/news/rfps or obtained (in USB format) at the GVB Office, 401 Pale San Vitores Road, Tumon, Guam, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday, excluding Guam holidays. A non-refundable $25.00 fee is required for each packet picked up at the GVB office payable in US$ cash, bank wire transfer or major credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, JCB).

Questions, if any, should be made in writing to the President and CEO, which can be dropped off at the GVB office; emailed to procurement@visitguam.org; or sent by fax to 671-646-8861 according to the timeline provided in the RFP.

GVB hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit a response to this request for proposal and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color or national origin in consideration for an award.

GVB reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive any imperfection in the proposal, or cancel this solicitation all according to law in the interest of the bureau. Direct or indirect contact with the GVB Management or Staff, Board Members, or any person participating in the selection process is prohibited.

If you are interested in this proposal, please note the deadline for submission is no later than 5:00 PM (Chamorro Standard Time) on Monday, November 19, 2018.


President and CEO

This advertisement was paid for by the Tourism Attraction Fund.